2017-10-16 12:00:17
11:58:45 ERROR: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1191 Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list<p>The sql is: SELECT *, ((1 * (MATCH(title) AGAINST('"|123|" ' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) + (0.6 * (MATCH(content) AGAINST('"|123|" ' IN BOOLEAN MODE))) ) as score FROM eps_search_index wHeRe (MATCH(title,content) AGAINST('+"|123|" ' IN BOOLEAN MODE) >= 1 OR title like '% 123 %' OR content like '% 123 %') AND status = 'normal' AND addedDate <= '2017-10-16 11:58:45' oRdEr bY `score` desc,`editedDate` desc </p> in lib/base/dao/dao.class.php on line 1319, last called by lib/base/dao/dao.class.php on line 718 through function sqlError.
in framework/base/router.class.php on line 2194 when visiting /index.php?words=123&m=search&f=index
该从哪里入手来解决? |
原只有的title, content的索引,增加title,和content单独索引就正常了——解决